
#WALK30, the Challenge you Need this New Year!

#WALK30, The wellness movement you need to be a part of! We love the #WALK30 Launch, led by Fit Houston for several reasons. As a clinic, we absolutely support the mission of decreasing chronic illnesses that have become so prevalent in the U.S., including diabetes, obesity, cancer, and hypertension. And what better way to do so than bringing community together by participating in a free and healthy activity!


This wellness campaign has blown up social media and grabbed the attention of clinics all around Houston to take part in this impactful movement . A coalition of leaders from the American Leadership Forum, Dialogue Houston, University of St Thomas, and University of Houston Downtown have partnered to launch a unified mission. This collective effort is passionate about this initiative to improving the health of our community in Houston through daily physical activity.


We love that the focal point of this wellness movement is physical activity, as movement has a...

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Why You Need Health Coaching

Why do we recommend health coaching for all of our patients? Most of us know what we need to do in order to improve our health, such as exercise, eating healthy foods, prioritizing sleep, and managing stress. There is so much research, resources, and loads of free information at our fingertips, yet metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, and other chronic illnesses continue to be on the rise.


Our society's mental health as a whole seems to be struggling more than ever, especially after the pandemic. Because there are so many resources and educational content is endless, we do not believe that the chronic physical illness and mental health crisis is due to a lack of knowledge, but an inability to know how to put the tools in action and remain on the course.


Though most of us know what we should be doing, it's quite another thing to have the support and guidance to make it happen. Behavior change takes a tremendous amount of effort...

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Intensive Health Transformations Program

 What do our Transformations Programs offer?:

Community-driven programs designed by doctors and coaches who passionately guide members toward health and resiliency through education, compassionate guidance, empathy, and ongoing accountability within a safe and supportive virtual space. Our coaches and practitioners value trust with the support of members' external providers, health care team, family, etc. Coaches involved in the programs will be in close communication with members' established provider teams. This allows progress to be tracked and maintains accountability, as well as in-depth, personal support for each member.


The goal of the Intensive Transformations Programs is to not only heal physically but undergo character transformation through group sessions, like-minded member support, and personalized one-on-one care. Sessions are based on material that is backed by science, evidence-based functional nutrition, and mind-body medicine tools that encourage...

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Got a New Year's Resolution?

As the New Year approaches, we expect to see many of our community members wanting to reach big goals, set new intentions, and embrace positive changes. Unfortunately, many will attempt to make too drastic of changes too soon, which we know can lead to burnout, frustration when such goals are not reached, and even contradict the path toward health and wellness.


Though we could warn against the next fad diet, extreme weight loss trend, or intense exercise regimen, we thought we would rather like to inform you of positive life enhancements that you may enjoy stepping into this year. We do not wish to condone those who want to make drastic changes to their diet or lifestyle, but we do encourage checking in with the mindset and motivation around the desire to make these changes. Sometimes drastic changes in lifestyle habits can be quite detrimental. For example, if you have never weight lifted a day in your life, following a competitor's workout regimen right off the cuff may not...

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Group Visit Spotlight: Brain Train Masterclass

In Dr. Ruan's Brain Train Group visits, participants are able to share each others' health experiences, discover valuable healing tools, receive background information regarding root causes of brain and mental health issues, and discover resources to guide them along their health journey toward improved brain function.


In the Brain Train Group Visits, Dr. Ruan brings specific medical insight into the brain and neurological conditions, while sharing a roadmap to health and wellness. However, the central aspect that sets group visits apart from one-on-one provider visits is the community aspect. In a safe, judgment-free group space, members have the opportunity to share in each other's challenges, develop mental and physical resilience, and empower one another to apply healing principles to their life. Dr. Ruan also shares his personal experiences and tools he has used in his own brain health journey, after experiencing multiple concussions and discovering an underlying sleep...

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Provider Care at TCLM

This year, take your health into your own hands through individualized care plans delivered by conventional, integrative, and functional medicine-trained practitioners at TCLM.


How do our provider services differ from any other clinic?

Our providers here at TCLM know that every patient is unique. Rather than treating each of our patients the same, we operate by tailoring treatment plans specific to each patient’s history, goals, specific barriers to their well-being, and the overall picture of their current health status.


When assessing a patient’s needs, we practice integrative, individualized care, meaning we do not neglect the important role of addressing both the physical and mental aspects of healing, allowing care to be holistically driven. Our providers take great care to address the whole package of healing and wellness, as we know that the mind is so connected to the body and vice versa.

Providers here do not solely rely on traditional lab work to...

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Culinary Medicine: Kitchen Behavior Training

Where Food Meets Medicine!

Come learn with Ruben Lespron, Registered Dietician, and Lifestyle Chef Franklin as they demonstrate how food can be both healing and delicious. In this virtual group space, accompanied by Dr. Cheng Ruan, you will have the opportunity to explore ways to expand the variety in your diet, the basic fundamentals of nutrition, and specific tips and tricks for making nutritious cooking sustainable.


Chef Franklin has a tremendous amount of experience with creating delicious flavor combos that will satisfy cravings without wrecking your health goals. He shares a plethora of knowledge and his very own cooking secrets to make nutritious living realistic and delicious. Recipes will also be shared weekly! We guarantee they will not disappoint or bore you or your family!


Whether you are just getting started in your health journey and would like to know the basic fundamentals of healthy eating, or are an expert in a rut, feeling stumped about what to cook...

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Work with Ruben Lespron, Registered Dietitian

Ruben Lespron, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, is passionate about the services he provides at TCLM, as he has experienced firsthand the important role that nutrition plays in maintaining health, wellness, and daily performance. He empowers patients to take ownership of their health journey and realize that proper nutrition gives the body the fuel and resources it needs in order optimally function at its best!


Ruben inspires, equips, and empowers patients to set realistic goals, tackle obstacles that are sabotaging their progress toward health, and maintain positive eating habits to support their unique, long-term goals. He engages in meaningful discussions about the mental blocks around nutrition, assists patients in establishing healthy behavior changes around their diet, and provides them with the knowledge, tools, and accountability needed.


If you are looking for nutrition education with a personalized approach, motivation for behavioral change and...

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How is your Relationship with Sugar?

We live in a society that has made a diet rich in sugars, added sugars, and processed foods the new norm. However, as with many other things, normal does not mean healthy. If you have ever struggled with cravings, you know just how hard it is to stop eating sugar and carbs once you start. Studies have revealed that sugar is highly addictive, for several reasons. It causes the hormones, leptin and ghrelin, which control hunger cues to become dysregulated, leading to more hunger for quick energy. It also feeds pathogenic bacteria in the gut, which send signals to the brain to encourage that they be fed more of their sustenance. Sugar also causes drastic shifts in neurotransmitters including dopamine, making it 8 times more addicting than cocaine. According to research, sugar also has similar impacts on the brain as opioid drugs. This is why many feel that they are a slave to sugar once it makes its way into their diet. So what are we to do if we are already at that point? 


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The Human Microbiome

What is the human microbiome and why should we care? Gut health has become a very popular topic in health today, as we now understand how the gut is very much connected to the rest of our body, and even our brain. However, many are not aware of exactly what the microbiome is and how significant it is to our overall health.


Metagenomic studies performed years ago, discovered that we are technically made up of more bacteria material than human cells. As gross as it may seem, knowing that we are like walking blobs of bacteria, this knowledge gives us great insight into how we can approach our health when it comes to our diet, environment, and more. Microbes are microscopic organisms, including bacteria, parasites, viral material, and archaea species. The term, microbiome, refers to the various communities of microbes within the body that line all mucosa membranes (not just the gut, but the nasal passageways, mouth, vaginal canal, etc) and on our skin. Studies have shown that...

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